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A Brief History of LabCFD

Prof. Ricardo de Andrade Medronho started working with CFD in his stay as a visiting researcher at the German Center for Biotechnology (GBF - Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung) between 1998 and 2000. Upon returning to Brazil in 2001, he obtained a small room at the School of Chemistry/UFRJ and there started the first Lab CFD. The first two students of the Lab were Alana Leahy-Dios (currently, Reservoir Engineering Supervisor at ExxonMobil Upstream Oil and Gas, USA) and Sarita Queiroz Simões (currently, Group Training and Competency Manager at TWMA, UK). Thereafter, the Lab CFD began to have more and more students, and had to move to a larger space in the LADEQ (Laboratories of the Chemical Engineering Department building) and, from there, once again expanded its space by moving to the NBPD (Biofuels, Petroleum and its Derivatives Center) of the School of Chemistry/UFRJ, where it remains until today. Just as the Lab CFD area increased, its team restricted initially to Prof. Medronho only also grew and counts today with Prof. Tania Suaiden Klein, Prof. Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva and Prof. Fabio Pereira dos Santos.

Sarita and Alana, first students of LabCFD (2001).

CFD description

Computational Fluid Dynamics is a field of study of great importance not only in all areas of engineering (Aeronautics, Agricultural, Food, Environmental, Biomedical, Civil, Control and Automation, Mining, Electrical, Electronics, Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics, Metallurgy, Naval, Chemical, Oil and Gas, and so on) as well as in architecture (environmental comfort, natural ventilation by the action of open or confined spaces, and so forth), meteorology (weather forecast, and so on and so forth). By CFD it is possible to obtain numerical solutions, by computational methods, of conservation equations of momentum and mass (equations of motion and continuity, respectively). Depending on the problem under analysis, these equations can eventually be coupled to other conservation equations, such as the energy and concentration equations of a given chemical species.

CFD allows the study of flows that can not be easily measured or simulated experimentally, such as the flow inside cyclones and hydrocyclones, the leakage of toxic or flammable gases in confined or open environments, combustion, oil tanker flows, on risers, on bioreactors and around cars, planes or rockets, the weather forecast, and so on and so forth.

In this way, CFD is, today, an indispensable tool for the researcher and the engineer. The use of CFD allows a drastic reduction in the time required and the cost involved in both the design and the prediction of equipment performance. In addition, the understanding of the fluid dynamics inside the equipment allows a perfect understanding of the phenomena involved, allowing the researcher / engineer to intervene in the operational or design variables in order to improve the performance of these equipments equipamentos.

LabCFD purpose

The Laboratory of Computational Fluid Dynamics - LabCFD - was created in 2001 and aims to enable the students of the Escola de Química / UFRJ to develop their doctoral, master's and scientific initiation work on CFD.


LabCFD is located in the Nucleus of Biofuels, Petroleum and its Derivatives (NBPD-LADEQ II), located at Rua Moniz de Aragão, s / n, Block K, 2nd floor, Technology Center, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941- 972, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. The LabCFD infrastructure includes:

  1. SGI Cluster 1:
    • 24 Compute Node (6x SGI Server C2112-4GP3) each node with 2 x Intel E5-2680V4 14-cores 2.4GHZ, 64GB Mem, 1TB Disk, IB FDR Port, 2x Gig Ethernet Port, 1 Compute Node SGI Server C2108-GP5 (2 x Intel E5-2680V4,14-cores 2.4GHZ, 64GB Mem, 1TB Disk, IB FDR Port, 2x Nvidia GPU P100), 1x SGI Server C2112-GP2 with (2 x Intel E5- 2640V4 10-cores 2.4GHZ, 128GB Memory, 2x Disk 1TB, IB FDR Port, 2x HBA PCIe 12Gb/s Dual Port SAS, 2 GigE Ports), 20 Disk 8TB SAS.
  2. SGI Cluster 2:
    • 20 dual nodes containing 40 quad-core Intel Xeon processors with 2.33 GHz, 4 GB of RAM and 250 GB of physical memory + a head node with 2 quad-core Intel Xeon processors of 2.33 GHz with 8 GB of RAM + 8 TB of physical memory: total of 168 colors with 1 GB of RAM each.
  3. SGI Cluster 3 (expansion process):
    • A head node with 2 Intel E5-2650v2 8-color 2.6GHz, 64GB Mem, 5 SAS 4TB disks.
  4. 30 microcomputers
  5. Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer
    • It consists of an optical bench and five different sample handling modules: Universal Liquid Module (ULM),Aqueous Liquid Module (ALM),Tornado Dry Powder System (DPS),Micro Liquid Module (MLM). The LS 13 320 incorporates Beckman Coulter's patented PIDS (Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering) technology to provide a dynamic range of 0.017 μm to 2000 μm.
  6. PIV System 2D Measurement
    • Double pulse Nd:YAG laser (50mJ/pulse standard, higher pulse energy depends upon application; includes camera lens, all interface cables, camera frame grabber),INSIGHT™ 4G-2DTR Data Acquisition, Analysis and Display Software Package,Light sheet optics (and optional Laser Light Arm),Optical filter,LaserPulse™ Synchronizer Model 610036;
    • It is used to design optimization in flow devices,Fluid mechanics research and Validation of CFD result.
  7. Centrifuge
  8. Densimeter
  9. Analytical Balance


Ricardo Medronho

Ricardo de Andrade Medronho



E-mail: medronho@eq.ufrj.br


Luiz Fernando

Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva



E-mail: lflopes@eq.ufrj.br


Tania Suaiden

Tânia Suaiden Klein



E-mail: tania@eq.ufrj.br


Fabio Pereira Santos

Fábio Pereira dos Santos



E-mail: fsantos@eq.ufrj.br



Rodrigo Petrone

Rodrigo Petrone dos Anjos




E-mail: rodrigo.petrone@eq.ufrj.br


Dsc Students


Pablo de Almeida Silva

Begin: 2020.

Thesis: Experimental Analysis of Supersonic Separators.



E-mail: pablosilva@eq.ufrj.br


Joao Pedro

João Pedro Souza de Oliveira

Begin: 2019.

Thesis: Modeling and Computation of Breaking Phenomena in Hydrocyclones Liquid-Liquid Separation:A CFD Approach.



E-mail: joaopedro@ufrj.br


Nathalia Sa

Nathalia Corrêa de Sá

Begin: 2018.

Thesis: Approaches Assessment to CFD Modeling of Annular Twophase Flows in Well Production.



E-mail: nathacsa@gmail.com



Fernanda Hellen de Souza Santos

Begin: 2024.

Thesis: Optimization of the Liquid Bulk Discharge Process at the Port of Itaqui.



E-mail: fernandahellen@eq.ufrj.br



José Messias Ribeiro Júnior

Begin: 2017.

Thesis: Computation and Modeling of a Oil-Water-Sand System in a Hydrocyclone.



E-mail: jmessiasrjr@eq.ufrj.br



Sarah Suelen Simões Silva

Begin: 2021

Thesis: Numerical simulation of cyclones and hydrocyclones using different LES-RANS hybrid turbulence models and Lagrangian approach for the dispersed phase.



E-mail: sarahsimoes@eq.ufrj.br


MSc Students


Nathan de Oliveira Francisco

Begin: 2023

Thesis: CFD Assessment of Membrane Prototypes Scalability



E-mail: nathanof@eq.ufrj.br



Letícia Freitas Pereira

Begin : 2023

Thesis: Study of the Temperature Profile in Catalytic Reactors of Fixed and Fluidized Bed Using CFD with Porous Media and Granular Fluid.



E-mail: leticiafpereira@eq.ufrj.br



Bernardo Bordallo Gregório

Begin: 2023

Thesis: Mass Source Term Analysis in Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules.



E-mail: be.greg@eq.ufrj.br



Luíza Melhem

Begin: 2024

Thesis: Undefined.



E-mail: luizamelhem@eq.ufrj.br


Research lines

CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Chemical Engineering for Equipment Design

Use of CFD for the study of complex factors and development and evaluation of equipment performance. Some examples are:

  • cyclones and hydrocyclones
  • fluidised beds
  • centrifuges and ultracentrifuges
  • heat exchangers
  • gravitational separators
  • supersonic separators
  • membranes

CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Environmental and Safety Engineering

Use of CFD to study the following scenarios:

  • dispersion of flammable and toxic gases
  • allocation of flammable and toxic gas detectors
  • accidental escape of fuel products
  • oil leaks into bodies of water

CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Oil Production and Processing

Use of CFD for the study of:

  • flow in reservoirs
  • advanced oil recovery
  • flow in risers

CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Medicine

Use of CFD for the study of blood flow in arteries and aneurysms without and with the placement of stents.    

Numerical methods

Development of codes, numerical methods and high performance parallel computing.  

Study and Development of Models Applied to Different Physics Related to Fluid Flow

Study and / or development of models associated to the following areas:

  • turbulence
  • Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
  • multicomponent flows
  • multiphase flows
  • population balance
  • compressible and incompressible flows
  • porous media
  • heat and mass transfer

Projects in progress

2024 - Current
Use of Hydrocyclones to Increase Raw Material Yield in the Brewing Mash Production Process at AMBEV

Objective: The overall objective of the project is the use of hydrocyclones to increase the capacity of the brewing mash production process at AMBEV. 

Financier(s): AMBEV.  

2024 - Current
CO2 Capture from Exhaust Gases with a Supersonic Separator - Experimental Validation

Objective: The overall objective of the project is Set up an experimental structure to confirm the solidification of CO2 from exhaust gases in supersonic separators and use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for a better understanding of the physical phenomenon involved 

Financier(s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  


2024 - Current
Assessment of Disruptive Technologies for Natural Gas Purification with Various Moisture and C02 Contents: Supersonic Separation and Adsorption Separation

Objective: The overall objective of the project is the development of protocols to ensure the performance of natural gas dehydration units, as well as the development of a supersonic separator for removal of C02 from natural gas with its and phenomenological and experimental characterization. Protocols to be developed aim to evaluate adsorbents and operating conditions for moisture removal from pre-salt natural gas streams containing high levels of C02; calibrate and certify moisture meters for low water contents (below 10 ppm); and evaluate adsorbents for moisture-tolerant C02 removal (porous amorphous matrices, PAFs) by molecular simulation. For the supersonic separator design, the aim is to improve the mathematical modeling of the problem and implement it in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes, as well as carry out experiments on pilot-scale prototypes to generate data to validate the numerical simulations and mathematical modeling. 

Financier(s): Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - Finep.  

2023 - Current
Scalability Assessment of Membrane Prototypes Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Objective: Since its exploration began in 2006, the pre-salt layer has been the largest source of hydrocarbon production in Brazil. Studies indicate that the Santos basin has the largest reserves of oil and gas produced in the entire country. However, the reservoirs contain a high level of C02 in production, which compromises quality and profit. Therefore, much investment has been made in separation technologies over the last few years, especially in membrane processes. This work addresses the evaluation of the scale-up for separation of C02 and natural gas using hollow fiber membrane modules. This work addresses the evaluation of the scale-up for separation of C02 and natural gas using hollow fiber membrane modules. The analysis should be performed by numerical simulations of the fluid dynamics in the equipment. In this sense, the fluid dynamics should contemplate the real gas modeling, the mass transport effect through the membranes, according to the needs of the adopted operating ranges, and the coupling between the high and low pressure regions. Finally, the study must assess the performance of the equipment in prototype scale (2'' diameter) and commercial scale (8'' and 12'' diameter). 

Financier(s):Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  

Completed Projects

2018 - 2023
Simulation and Development of Algorithms for CFD Applications Using OpenFOAM in the Oil and Gas Industry

Objective: The overall objective of the project is to evaluate, develop and improve a computational tool of free code for fluid dynamics simulation (CFD) in different recurring problems in the oil and gas industry. In this context, the capacity of the OpenFOAM CFD package will be evaluated in terms of natively representing typical industry situations and its ease of code extension to extend the range of applications of specific interest. In this way, numerical models and methods will be implemented to represent the problem physics, incorporating new functionalities, comparing the obtained results with those obtained in commercial CFD packages.

Financier(s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  

2018 - 2022
Development of CFD Solution for Multicomponent Acidification for Acids with Complex Rheology

Objective: The objective of this research project is to develop a software for simulation of the acidification process in laboratory and well scale considering a continuous model of flow in heterogeneous porous media and a sophisticated model for prediction of the reaction and the rheology of fluids. The development of the proposed software requires very robust and efficient numerical methods. Many issues are still under investigation, to mention a few: generalized or viscoelastic multicomponent flows in porous regions, multicomponent reaction affecting rheology of flow.

Financier(s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  

2016 - 2021
Desenvolvimento de Tecnologia de Separação de C02 do Gás Natural Baseado em Velocidades Supersônicas

Objective: The main objective of this project is to develop, with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), supersonic separators, including the geometry of their internal ones, for the separation of CO2 from natural gas, mainly from the pre-salt fields, where high concentrations of carbon dioxide can be found. 

Financier (s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  


2014 - 2016
Investigation of the Influence of Interactions between Phases and Turbulence Models in Multiphase Processes

Objective: To develop a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling methodology to improve the prediction of multiphase processes through the investigation of interaction forces between phases, such as drag, lift, rotation, virtual mass and turbulent dispersion, and evaluation of effects on the turbulence of the fluids by induction of bubbles, relating the results with different models of turbulence for the continuous phase. For this, the cases of bubbling columns and biphasic water-oil flows will be contemplated. 

Financier(s): FAPERJ.  

2009 - 2014
Hydrocyclone Project for the Separation of Residual Water Oil in Refineries

Objective: To optimize, with the aid of CFD, the geometric proportions of a hydrocyclone in order to maximize the water / oil separation efficiency of refinery oily waters. Build the optimized hydrocyclone and test it experimentally. 

Financier(s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  

2006 - 2009
Development of Cyclones for Removal of Solids in Multiphase Flow

Objective: To experimentally design, assemble and test the model of the sandblasting cyclone installed in Petrobras' offshore platform, as well as design and test, in scale, a new gas / oil / sand separation system using cyclones and hydrocyclones.  

Financier(s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  

2006 - 2006
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to the Design and Prediction of Performance of Equipment Employed in the Production of Biopharmaceuticals

Objective: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for the numerical simulation of flows, associated or not with phenomena of heat and mass transfer and chemical reactions. In this project, CFD will be used as a tool for the design and prediction of performance of two equipments, a spin-filter and a module of membranes (hollow fibers), for the purpose of employing them in cultivation processes of animal cells undergoing infusion.  

Financier(s): National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.  

2003 - 2006
Development of a Double Gradient Drilling Process Using Relative Low Density Occasional Spheres

Objective: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for the numerical simulation of flows, associated or not with phenomena of heat and mass transfer and chemical reactions. In this project, CFD will be used as a tool for the design and prediction of performance of two equipments, a spin-filter and a module of membranes (hollow fibers), for the purpose of employing them in cultivation processes of animal cells undergoing infusion.  

Financier(s): Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Leopoldo Américo Miguêz de Mello.  

2003 - 2003
Treatment of Ballast Water with Hydrocyclones

Objective: Optimization of geometric proportions using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of a hydrocyclone to be used in the primary treatment of ships' ballast water, with the objective of maximizing the withdrawal of marine species and other particulates (sand, sludge, etc.) in suspension. 

Financier(s): National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.  


OLIVEIRA, J.P.S. ; MEDRONHO, R.A. ; SANTOS, F.P. ; KLEIN, T.S. . CFD multiphase modeling of liquid-liquid hydrocyclones: A review. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, v. 1, p. 1, 2024.

MAIONCHI, DANIELA ; COIMBRA, NEIL DIOGO SILVA ; DA SILVA, JUNIOR GONÇALVES ; SANTOS, FABIO . Predictive Model and Optimization of Micromixers Geometry using Gaussian Process with Uncertainty Quantification and Genetic Algorithm. Fluid Dynamics Research, v. 1, p. 1, 2024.

SANTOS, F. P; TRYGGVASON, G. ; FERREIRA, G. G. S. . Droplet-based logic gates simulation of viscoelastic fluids under electric field. Scientific Reports, v. 14, p. 1771, 2024.

MENDEZ, C. ; SANTOS, F.P ; FERREIRA, G.G.S. . Hydrodynamic characterization of bubble column using Dynamical High Order Decomposition approach. Journal of Computational Science, v. 1, p. 102316, 2024.

ORLANDO, ALOISIO E. ; HAELSSIG, JAN B. ; KLEIN, TANIA S. ; MEDRONHO, RICARDO A. . simulations of a bubble column containing enhanced oil recovery chemicals. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING (ONLINE), v. 1, p. 1-13, 2024.

NEVES, REBECA VENTURA ; AMARAL, JOÃO VICTOR MELO ; KLEIN, Tânia Suaiden ; DE LA TORRE, LUCIMARA GAZIOLA ; VIANNA, SÁVIO SOUZA VENÂNCIO . Evaluation of the mixing index in a micromixer of side feeds in a conical chamber. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING, v. 200, p. 109771, 2024.

BOITE, YASMIN ; SUAIDEN KLEIN, TÂNIA ; DE ANDRADE MEDRONHO, RICARDO ; WAJNBERG, EDUARDO . Numerical simulation of flow-diverting stent: comparison between branches in bifurcation brain aneurysm. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, v. -, p. 1, 2023.


FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; DA CUNHA LAGE, PAULO LARANJEIRA ; DA SILVA FRANCISCO, FLÁVIO ; MACHADO, TATIANE F. ; SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO L. R. ; SANTOS, FÁBIO P. . Simulating the displacement of a heavy oil by a lighter oil in an offshore production line. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 1, p. 1-24, 2023.

MOTTA, ALLAN B.G. ; DOS SANTOS, VINICIUS G. ; VENTURA, VÍTOR F. ; SCHWALBERT, MATEUS P. ; LEITÃO, RAFAEL J. ; DIAS, RODRIGO A.C. ; FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; SILVA, LUIZ F.L.R. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L. . Effects of converging-diverging pore geometry on the acidizing process with non-Newtonian Carreau-type fluids. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, v. 270, p. 118529, 2023.

BARBOSA ALVES, JOÃO VICTOR ; DE ANDRADE MEDRONHO, RICARDO ; VAZ, CARLOS ANDRÉ ; LOPES RODRIGUES SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO ; ESCOSTEGUY CARNEIRO, JOÃO NEUENSCHWANDER . Optimization of gas detectors with the aid of computational fluid dynamics - Imposition of realistic restrictions. JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, v. 80, p. 104913, 2022.

ANJOS, RODRIGO PETRONE DOS ; KLEIN, TÂNIA SUAIDEN ; SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO LOPES RODRIGUES . Assessment of the two-dimensional liquid film approach in an inclined plate. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 104, 2022.

BARBOZA, ROBSON P. ; SCHWALBERT, MATEUS P. ; FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; DIAS, RODRIGO A.C. ; MORAES, ANTONIO O.S. ; SILVA, LUIZ F.L.R. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L. . Modeling and simulation of the carbonate reactive-dissolution process by viscoelastic-surfactant-based acid. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 215, p. 110595, 2022.

COSTA, P. R. S. ; BARBOZA, R. P. ; DIAS, R. A. C. ; FAVERO, J. L. ; SAMEL, A. O. M. ; CRUZ, M. A. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. ; THOMPSON, R. L. ; SCHWALBERT, M. P. . A three-dimensional model to predict acid treatment processes and its application in complex well-reservoir coupled problems. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 382, 2022.

PEDRO SOUZA DE OLIVEIRA, JOÃO ; VICTOR BARBOSA ALVES, JOAO ; NEUENSCHWANDER ESCOSTEGUY CARNEIRO, JOÃO ; DE ANDRADE MEDRONHO, RICARDO ; FERNANDO LOPES RODRIGUES SILVA, LUIZ . Coupling a neural network technique with CFD simulations for predicting 2-D atmospheric dispersion analyzing wind and composition effects. JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, v. 80, p. 104930, 2022.

MARTINS, J. R. ; BARBOSA, J. V. ; SANTOS, FABIO ; Silva, L.F.L.R. . Computational analysis in underexpanded jets simulations. FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH, v. 54, p. 065502, 2022.

MAIONCHI, DANIELA DE OLIVEIRA ; AINSTEIN, LUCA ; DOS SANTOS, FABIO PEREIRA ; DE SOUZA JÚNIOR, MAURCIO BEZERRA . Computational fluid dynamics and machine learning as tools for optimization of micromixers geometry. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, v. 194, p. 123110, 2022.

MOTTA, ALLAN B. G. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L. ; SCHWALBERT, MATEUS P. ; SILVA, LUIZ F. L. R. ; FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; DIAS, RODRIGO A. C. ; LEITÃO, RAPHAEL J. . Effects of Intra-REV Pore Distribution Modeling in the Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Porous Media. TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, v. 145, p. 505-525, 2022.

QUEIROZ, L.H. ; SANTOS, F.P. ; OLIVEIRA, J.P. ; SOUZA, M.B. . Physics-Informed deep learning to predict flow fields in cyclone separators. Digital Chemical Engineering, v. 1, p. 100002, 2021.

MOTTA, ALLAN B.G. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L. ; FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; DIAS, RODRIGO A.C. ; SILVA, LUIZ F.L.R. ; COSTA, FRANCILEIDE G. ; SCHWALBERT, MATEUS P. .Rheological effects on the acidizing process in carbonate reservoirs. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 207, p. 109122, 2021.

ANJOS, R. P. ; MEDRONHO, R.A. ; Klein, T.S. . Assessment of turbulence models for single phase CFD computations of a liquid-liquid hydrocyclone using OpenFOAM. JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE, v. 22, p. 79-113, 2021.

ORLANDO, ALOISIO E. ; BARCA, LUIZ F. ; HEINDEL, THEODORE J. ; KLEIN, TANIA S. ; Medronho, Ricardo A. . Gas holdup and flow regime in a bubble column that includes enhanced oil recovery chemicals. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 204, p. 108675, 2021.


CRUZ, W. R. S. ; Santos, F. P. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Uncertainty quantification of real gas models in supersonic flow. Journal of Computational Science, p. 101479, 2021.

MAIONCHI, D. ; SANTOS, F.P. ; KOKUBUN, M. A. E. ; MELGUIZO-GAVILANES, J. . A generalised spray-flamelet formulation by means of a monotonic variable. COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING, v. 1, p. 1-22-22, 2020.

MORAES, A. O. S. ; LAGE, P. L. C. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. . Mass transfer in continuous mixtures with Maxwell-Stefan diffusion using the adaptive characterization method. AIChE Journal, v. 66, p. e16852, 2020.

GUIMARÃES, A. A.; KLEIN, T. S.; MEDRONHO, R. A. Fish-hook effect in granulometric efficiency curves of hydrocyclones: A misuse of laser diffraction particle size analysers. Powder Technology, V. 374, p. 185-189, 2020. .

BETTINARDI, I. W.; CASTAN, A.; MEDRONHO, R. A.; CASTILHO, L. R. Hydrocyclones as cell retention device for CHO perfusion processes in single‐use bioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. v. 117, p. 1915–1928, 2020.

ARAUJO, C. A. O. ; SCHEID, C. M. ; LOUREIRO, J. B. R. ; KLEIN, T. S. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Hydrocylone for oil-water separations with high oil content: Comparison between CFD simulations and experimental data. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 187, p. 106788, 2020.

SANTOS, FABIO P.; LAGE, PAULO L. C. ; FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; SENOCAK, INANC . GPU accelerated simulation of polydisperse multiphase flows using dual quadrature based moment methods. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 1, p. 1-14, 2019.

SILVA, FABRICIO S. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; BARCA, LUIZ FERNANDO . Experimental study of water droplet break up in water in oil dispersions using an apparatus that produces localized pressure drops. Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue d IFP Energies nouvelles, v. 74, p. 1-11, 2019.


ORLANDO, ALOISIO E. ; BARCA, LUIZ F. ; KLEIN, TANIA S. ; Medronho, Ricardo A. . Effects of EOR chemicals and superficial gas velocity on bubble size and gas holdup of a bubble column. Oil & Gas Science and Technology Revue d IFP Energies nouvelles, v. 74, p. 79, 2019.

MIRANDA, A. S. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; KLEIN, T. S. . CFD SIMULATION OF DENSE GAS DISPERSION OVER ROUGH TERRAIN: ASSESSMENT OF THE SST TURBULENCE MODEL. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, v. 7, p. 64, 2019.

CHARIN, AMANDA H.L.M. ; LAGE, PAULO L.C. ; SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO L.R. ; TUKOVIC, 'ELJKO ; JASAK, HRVOJE . On the dynamic behavior of rising droplets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, v. 110, p. 165-178, 2019.

FERREIRA, GABRIEL G.S. ; LAGE, PAULO L.C. ; SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO L.R. ; JASAK, HRVOJE . Implementation of an implicit pressure-velocity coupling for the Eulerian multi-fluid model. COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, v. 181, p. 188-207, 2019.

BASTOS, RENATA CHAGAS ; JESSOUROUN, E. ; SILVA JUNIOR, J. G. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; SILVEIRA, I. A. F. B. . Brazilian meningococcal C conjugate vaccine: physicochemical, immunological, and thermal stability characteristics. GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL, v. 35, p. 3-13, 2018.

KLEIN, T.S.; CRAFT, T.J. ; IACOVIDES, H. . The development and application of two-time-scale turbulence models for non-equilibrium flows. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW, v. 71, p. 334-352, 2018.

LEONI, G. B. ; KLEIN, T. S. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Assessment with computational fluid dynamics of the effects of baffle clearances on the shell side flow in a shell and tube heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 112, p. 497-506, 2017.

CHARIN, A. H. L. M. ; TUKOVIC, Z. ; JASAK, H. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. ; LAGE, P. L. C. . A moving mesh interface tracking method for simulation of liquid-liquid systems. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, p. 419-441, 2017.

FERREIRA, G. G. S. ; LAGE, P. L. C. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. . Extension and Convergence Analysis of the Univariate Direct Quadrature Spanning Tree Method. POWDER TECHNOLOGY, v. 322, p. 301-313, 2017.

CORREIA DA SILVA, G. S. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. ; DE SOUZA, M. B. . The Performance of Classic and Advanced Controllers on the O utput Temperature Control in a Heat Exchange Process. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 57, p. 1003-1008, 2017.

SANT'ANNA, MIKELE CÂNDIDA SOUSA ; CRUZ, WENNA RAISSA DOS SANTOS ; SARMENTO, SANDRA MARIA ; SILVA, GABRIEL FRANCISCO ; MEDRONHO, RICARDO ANDRADE; LUCENA, SERGIO . Hidrodinâmica de um gaseificador de leito fluidizado borbulhante: validação da simulação. Scientia Plena, v. 12, p. 1-9, 2016.

SANT'ANNA, MIKELE CÂNDIDA SOUSA ; DOS SANTOS CRUZ, WENNA RAISSA ; DA SILVA, GABRIEL FRANCISCO ; DE ANDRADE MEDRONHO, RICARDO ; LUCENA, SERGIO . Analyzing the fluidization of a gas-sand-biomass mixture using CFD techniques. POWDER TECHNOLOGY, v. 316, p. 367-372, 2016.

SANTOS, F. P.; MAILYBAEV, A. A. ; MARCHESIN, D. . Oxidation wave structure and oxygen breakthrough for air injection into light oil reservoirs. Computational Geosciences (Amsterdam), v. 1, p. 1-13, 2016.

BRAGA, E. R. ; HUZIWARA, W. K. ; MARTIGNONI, W. P. ; SCHEID, C. M. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . IMPROVING HYDROCYCLONE GEOMETRY FOR OIL/WATER SEPARATION. Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas, v. 9, p. 115-123, 2015.


FAISCA, A. T. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . The influence of the riser outlet geometry on erosion of a FCC using dense discrete phase model. International Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 2, p. 22-25, 2015.

SANT?ANNA, M. C. S. ; SARMENTO, S. M. ; SILVA, G. F. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; LUCENA, S. . Escolha do modelo de turbulência para um leito fluidizado. Scientia Plena, v. 11, p. 1-11, 2015.


ARAUJO, C. A. O. ; SCHEID, C. M. ; Klein, T.S. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Medida dos perfis de velocidade axiais em um hidrociclone para a separação óleo-água: comparação entre dados simulados e experimentais. Vozes dos Vales, v. 4, p. 1-21, 2015.

FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO L.R. ; LAGE, PAULO L.C. . Modeling and simulation of mixing in water-in-oil emulsion flow through a valve-like element using a population balance model. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 75, p. 155-170, 2015.

ALMEIDA, YURI P. ; LAGE, PAULO L.C. ; SILVA, LUIZ FERNANDO L.R. . Large eddy simulation of a turbulent diffusion flame including thermal radiation heat transfer. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 81, p. 412-425, 2015.

KLEIN, T.S.; CRAFT, T.J. ; IACOVIDES, H. . Assessment of the performance of different classes of turbulence models in a wide range of non-equilibrium flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, v. 51, p. 229-256, 2015.

MENEZES, BRENNO C. ; MORO, LINCOLN F. L. ; LIN, WHEI O. ; Medronho, Ricardo A. ; PESSOA, FERNANDO L. P. . Nonlinear Production Planning of Oil-Refinery Units for the Future Fuel Market in Brazil: Process Design Scenario-Based Model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 53, p. 4352-4365, 2014.

Figueredo-Cardero, Alvio ; MARTÍNEZ, EDEL ; Chico, Ernesto ; Castilho, Leda R. ; Medronho, Ricardo A. . Rotating cylindrical filters used in perfusion cultures: CFD simulations and experiments. Biotechnology Progress (Print), v. 30, p. 1093-1102, 2014.

NAGESWARARAO, K. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Fish hook effect in centrifugal classifiers - a further analysis. International Journal of Mineral Processing (Print), v. 132, p. 43-58, 2014.

GOMES, E. G. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; ALVES, J. V. B. . Gas Detector Placement in Petroleum Process Unit Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Online), v. 8, p. 17-24, 2014.

FAVERO, J. L. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. ; LAGE, P. L. C. . Comparison of methods for multivariate moment inversion Introducing the independent component analysis. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 60, p. 41-56, 2014.

JATOBÁ, L. F. C. ; LAGE, P. L. C. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. ; CAMPOS, F. B. . Simulation of the compressible flow with mass transfer of semi-continuous mixtures using the direct quadrature method of moments. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 64, p. 153-166, 2014.

SANTOS, FABIO P.; SENOCAK, INANC ; FAVERO, JOVANI L. ; LAGE, PAULO L.C. . Solution of the population balance equation using parallel adaptive cubature on GPUs. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 55, p. 61-70, 2013.

SANTOS, F.P.; FAVERO, J.L. ; LAGE, P.L.C. . Solution of the population balance equation by the direct dual quadrature method of generalized moments. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 101, p. 663-673, 2013.

SANTOS, F. P.; LAGE, P. L. C. ; FONTES, C. E. . Numerical aspects of direct quadrature-based moment methods for solving the population balance equation. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Impresso), v. 30, p. 643-656, 2013.

CASTILHO, L. R. ; Figueredo-Cardero, Alvio ; Chico, Ernesto ; Castilho, L.R. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Particle image velocimetry (PIV) study of rotating cylindrical filters for animal cell perfusion processes. BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS, v. 28, p. 1491-1498, 2012.

Luiz Carlos Tosta da Silva ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Numeric simulation of a dummy well pumping. Boletim Técnico da Petrobrás (Impresso) (Cessou em 1998), v. 54, p. 55-68, 2011.

SILVA, L. F. L. R.; LAGE, P. L. C. . Development and implementation of a polydispersed multiphase flow model in OpenFOAM. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 35, p. 2653-2666, 2011.

SILVA, L. F. L. R.; RODRIGUES, R. C. ; MITRE, J. F. ; LAGE, P. L. C. . Comparison of the accuracy and performance of quadrature-based methods for population balance problems with simultaneous breakage and aggregation. Computers & Chemical Engineering, v. 34, p. 286-297, 2010.

Figueredo-Cardero, Alvio ; Chico, Ernesto ; Castilho, Leda R. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . CFD simulation of an internal spin-filter: evidence of lateral migration and exchange flow through the mesh. Cytotechnology (Dordrecht), v. 61, p. 55-64, 2009.

MEDRONHO, R. A.; PINTO, R. C. V. ; CASTILHO, L. R. . Separation of CHO cells using hydrocyclones. Cytotechnology (Dordrecht), v. 56, p. 57-67, 2008.

COSTA, A. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; Geraldelli, W. O. . Simulación numérica de un intercambiador de calor de placas. Petrotecnia (Buenos Aires), v. 49, p. 12-20, 2008.

SILVA, L. F. L. R.; DAMIAN, R. B. ; LAGE, P. L. C. . Implementation and analysis of numerical solution of the population balance equation in CFD packages. Computers and Chemical Engineering, v. 32, p. 2933-2945, 2008.p>

COSTA, A. ; Geraldelli, W. O. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Simulação Numérica de um Trocador de Calor de Placas. Petro e Química, v. 300, p. 76-80, 2007.

ELSAYED, Elsayed A. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; WAGNER, Roland ; DECKWER, Wolf-dieter . Use of hydrocyclones for mammalian cell retention - I. Separation efficiency and cell viability. Engineering in Life Sciences (Print), Weinheim, v. 6, p. 347-354, 2006.

MEDRONHO, R. A.; SCHUETZE, J. ; DECKWER, Wolf-dieter . Numerical simulation of hydrocyclones for cell separation. Latin American Applied Research, Bahía Blanca, v. 35, n.1, p. 1-8, 2005.

SILVA, L. F. L. R.; FONTES, C. E. ; LAGE, P. L. C. . Front tracking in recirculating flows: a comparison between the TVD and RCM methods in solving the VOF equation. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 22, p. 105, 2005.

MONTEAGUDO, J. E. P. ; SILVA, L. F. L. R. ; LAGE, P. L. C. . Scaling laws for network model permeability: application to wellbore oil flow simulation with solid deposition. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 58, n.9, p. 1815-1829, 2003.

CASTILHO, L. R. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Cell retention devices for suspended-cell perfusion cultures. Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Alemanha, v. 74, p. 129-169, 2002.

COELHO, M. A. Z. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . A model for performance prediction of hydrocyclones. Chemical Engineering Journal, Inglaterra, v. 84, n.1, p. 7-14, 2001.

MATTA, V. M. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . A new method for yeast recovery in batch ethanol fermentations. Bioseparation (Dordrecht), Dordrecht, v. 9, n.1, p. 43-53, 2000.

CASTILHO, L. R. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . A simple procedure for design and performance prediction of Bradley and Rietema hydrocyclones. Minerals Engineering, Oxford, v. 13, n.2, p. 183-191, 2000.

CASTILHO, L. R. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; ALVES, T. L. M. . Production and extraction of pectinase obtained by solid state fermentation of agroindustrial residuals with Aspergillus niger. Bioresource Technology, Essex, v. 71, n.1, p. 45-50, 2000.

FURTADO, A. A. L. ; ROSA, M. F. ; ALBUQUERQUE, R. T. ; LEITE, S. G. F. ; PEÇANHA, R. P. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Nitrification of effluents: microbiological characterisation. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, São Paulo, v. 31, n.1, p. 23-27, 2000.

LÜBBERSTEDT, M. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; ANSPACH, Friedrich Birger ; DECKWER, Wolf-dieter . Abtrennung tierischer Zellen mit Hydrozyklonen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, v. 72, p. 1089-1090, 2000.

CASTILHO, L. R. ; ALVES, T. L. M. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Recovery of pectolytic enzymes produced by solid state culture of Aspergillus niger. Process Biochemistry (Cessou em 1990. Cont. c/ outro título e ISSN. Cessou novamente e voltou a ter o título anterior [Process Biochemistry]), Oxford, v. 34, n.2, p. 181-186, 1999.

ROSA, M. F. ; FURTADO, A. A. L. ; ALBUQUERQUE, R. T. ; LEITE, S. G. F. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Biofilm development and ammonia removal in the nitrification of a saline wastewater. Bioresource Technology, Oxford, v. 65, p. 135-138, 1998.

LANGONE, M. A. P. ; COELHO, M. A. Z. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; LEITE, S. G. F. ; COURI, S. . Characterization and partial purification of a polygalacturonase through dyalisis process. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, São Paulo, v. 13, n.1, p. 1-7, 1996.

COELHO, M. A. Z. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; LEITE, S. G. F. ; COURI, S. . Partial purification of a polygalacturonase produced by solid-state cultures of Aspergillus niger. Revista de Microbiologia, São Paulo, v. 26, n.4, p. 318-322, 1995.

COSTA, A. C. A. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. ; PEÇANHA, R. P. . Phosphate Rock Bioleaching. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v. 14, n.391, p. 233-238, 1992.

MEDRONHO, R. A.; RUSSO, C. ; OLTEANU, D. . Application Of Hydrocyclones To The Treatment Of Oil Wastes. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENGENHARIA, CADERNO DE ENGENHARIA QUIMICA, v. 9, n.002, p. 41-54, 1992.

COSTA, A. C. A. ; MEDRONHO, R. A. . Solubilizacao de Fosfatos Naturais Por Microorganismos Autotroficos. REVISTA DE MICROBIOLOGIA, v. 20, n.2, p. 31-34, 1989.

MEDRONHO, R. A.; RUSSO, C. . Influence Of Temperature On The Kinetic Parameters Of The Activated Sludge Process. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, v. 4, p. 1-8, 1983.

Dsc Thesis

Rodrigo Petrone dos Anjos. Development of a Two-Dimensional Model for CFD Simulation of Liquid Film with Heat Transfer. 2023. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering DSc)) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Marcelo da Costa Amaral. Study of the supersonic CO2 removal from the natural gas using computational fluid dynamics. 2023. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Wenna Raissa dos Santos Cruz. Optimization of a convergent-divergent nozzle for the carbon dioxide separation from the natural gas. 2023. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Túlio Macedo Lima. Development of Purification Processes for Recombinant Viral Antigens of Zika, Yellow Fever and SARS-CoV-2. 2023. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Herllange Chaves de Brito. Residential thermal behavior in Cabaceiras - PB, through experimental tests and computer simulation. 2023. Thesis (Process Engineering Dsc) - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

João Victor Barbosa Alves. Optimization of the gas detector allocation using computational fluid dynamics . 2023. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Rubenia de Oliveira Costa. Grey water treatment for the sustainable development of family farming. 2021. Thesis (Process Engineering Dsc) - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Aloisio Euclides Orlando Jr.. Experimental and computational analysis of the salinity and chemicals impact in enhanced oil recovery in bubble columns. 2020. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Ioná Walter Bettinardi. DDevelopment of low-feed rate operated perfusion for the production of monoclonal antibody using CHO cells. 2020. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Fabricio Soares da Silva. Study of droplet breakup in dispersions of water in oil against localized pressure drops. 2019. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Enginnering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Antônio de Oliveira Samel Moraes. Adaptive characterization method applied to mass transfer in continuous mixtures with the Maxwell-Stefan model. 2018. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Gabriel Gonçalves da Silva Ferreira. Development of methodology for computation of multiphase processes with formation of hydrates. 2018. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Giovani Santos Correia da Silva. Predictive control applied to fluid dynamics processes: Methodology based on free code CFD software. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Amanda Henriques Leite de Mattos Charin. Fluid-dynamic computation of liquid-liquid system. 2017. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Renata Chagas Bastos. Production Scheduling of Meningococcal Vaccine C Brazilian Conjugate. 2016. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Campos. Development of a methodology for the use of viscoelastic particles in the discrete elements method. 2016. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Andréa Gonçalves Bueno de Freitas. Separation of Neutral Particle Suspensions. 2015. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Cristiano Agenor Oliveira de Araújo. Hydrocyclones for the Separation of System with High Oil Concentration in Water. 2015. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Petrobras. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Leonardo Silva de Souza. Computational fluid dynamics study of kinetics of metallation in the production of biodiesel with high pressures and temperatures. 2015. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Mikele Cândida Sousa de Sant'Anna. Hydrodynamic computation of a bubbling fluidized bed gasifier. 2015. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Eduardo Rangel Braga. Development of a Hydrocyclone for the Separation of Oil Present in Oily Waters of Oil Refineries. 2015. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Petrobras. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Brenno Castrillon Menezes. Mathematical Model for Strategic Planning in the Oil Processing Industry. 2014. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Jovani Luiz Favero. Multivariate polydispersed multiphase flows computation. 2014. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPETEC / Projeto ANP. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Livia Flavia Carletti Jatobá. Development of numerical methods for the simulation of mass transfer in the flow of multicomponent, semicontinuous mixtures with adaptive characterization. 2014. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Priscila Mesquita de Sousa. Development of a High Performance Process for the Production of Recombinant Factor VIII. 2012. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Programa de Engenharia Quimica/Coppe/UFRJ, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Alvio Figueredo Cardero. The rotating mesh filter in celular retention in agitated bioreactors operating under perfusion: a study with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). 2010.Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Romi Lamb Machado. Development of an integrated system for perfusion cell culture coupled to membrane chromatography. 2008. 0 f. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Rodrigo Coelho Ventura Pinto. Separation of CHO Cells Using Hydrocyclones. 2007. Thesis (Chemical Engineering DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Morsyleide de Freitas Rosa. Nitrification of Saline Effluents. 1997. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes DSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Msc Thesis

Patrícia Opalka Costa Rodrigues. Evaluation of Standards for Gas Heaters for Closed Environments Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2024. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Estevão Gomes da Cruz Barreto. Additional Resistance Term Model to Motion Based on Pipe Bank Flow for CFD Simulations Applying the Distributed Porosity Concept. 2024. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Gustavo Kusdra de Pinho. COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS ANALYSIS OF ACCIDENTAL RUPTURES INSIDE SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS. 2023. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Raphael Andrade Eloi de Oliveira. Turbulence models assessment for Simulation of cyclonic equipment with Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2023. Dissertação (Mestrado em ENGENHARIA de Processos Quimicos e Bioquimicos) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Robson Pereira Barboza Junior. Modelling and simulation of carbonate?s reactive-dissolution by self-diverting acid and comparison with experimental results. 2022. Dissertação Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Paulo Roberto Siqueira da Costa Júnior. A three-dimensional model to predict acid treatment process and its application in complex well-reservoir coupled problems. 2022. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Gabriel Rodrigues de Oliveira Anunciação. INFLUENCE OF TURBULENT LENGTH SCALE ON CFD-RANS NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF HEAT TRANSFER IN TRANSVERSE FLOW THROUGH A CYLINDER. 2022. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Camila Ramalho Almeida. EVALUATION WITH COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER IN A SPRAY VOID SECTION AT THE TOP OF AN ATMOSPHERIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATION TOWER. 2022. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Yasmin de Carvalho Calheiros Boite. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of flow in cerebral bifurcation aneurysm: Comparison before and after stent placement. 2022. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Victor Corcino de Albuquerque. Modeling and development of a naphtha hydrotreating simulator. 2021. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Lucas Henrique Queiroz dos Reis. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ORDER REDUCTION MODEL FOR SIMULATION OF CYCLONE FLOWS USING PHYSICALLY INFORMATIONAL NEURONAL NETWORKS (PINN). 2021. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Fábio Pereira dos Santos.

Sarah Suelen Simões Silva. Assessment of the Euler-Lagrange Approach in Numerical Cyclone Simulations: A Comparison between Fluent and Openfoam. 2021. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Emanuele Lazzaretti Cordova Campelo. Uranium recovery from liquid waste composed of acidic uranyl nitrate solution. 2021. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Paulo Estevão Fortes André. Computational fluid dynamics study of the influence of the fluid type and the baffle configuration on the performance of shell and tube heat exchangers. 2020. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Aline Silveira Miranda. Dense Gas Dispersion Study: Model Analysis with Data Validation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2020. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Marina Fontes da Cunha Souza. Modeling of a cyclic steam injection system with alternating production with water seal for oil recovery using CFD. 2019. Theis (Chemical Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal da Bahia, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Tatiane Franco Machado. Modelling Condensation of Carbon Dioxide in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle. 2019. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPETEC / Projeto ANP. Advisors: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva, Fábio Pereira dos Santos.

João Pedro Souza de Oliveira. Study of a Hydrocyclone for Separation of Water Dispersed in Oil using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Design of Experiments . 2019. Thesis (Chemical and Biochemical Processes Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisors: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho, Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Milena Masuda. Dimensioning of areas classified by computational fluid dynamics and by applicable standards: a comparison. 2018. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Claudia Giacomin Bof. Development of a cyclone for separating particulate material from a heat recovery coke oven combustion gas stream. 2018. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisors: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho, Tânia Suaiden Klein. .

Pablo de Almeida Silva. Influence of wave breaking and maritime movements on the efficiency of three-phase gravitational separators in offshore platforms: a study with computational fluid dynamics. 2018. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisors: Tânia Suaiden Klein, Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

João Phelipe Martins Barcelos.Comparison of CFD Computations in Stationary and Transient Regimes for Allocation of Flammable Gas Sensors in Offshore Oil Processing Unit. 2018. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisors: Orientador: Tânia Suaiden Klein, Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Caroline dos Santos Marques Silva. Implementation of coupled density-based methodologies for compressible flows. 2018. Thesis (Engineering of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPETEC / Projeto ANP. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Raquel Santos Macedo. Technological Prospection of the Flotation Process Applied to Oily-Water Treatment. 2017. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Felipe de Lima Matos. Computation of shell and tube heat exchangers with non-Newtonian fluids using computational fluid dynamics. 2017. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho..

Andressa Azevedo Guimarães. Fish-Hook in Granulometric Efficiency Curves of Hydrocyclones: Real Phenomenon or Placebo?. 2017. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Advisors: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho, , Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Aline Cruz Soares. Numerical modeling of solidification in molds: Application to large caliber grenades. 2017. Thesis (Chemical Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Ana Carolina Conde Moraes Cosati. Density function approximations by series of distributions. 2017. Thesis (Chemical Engineering MSC) - Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Fábio Pereira dos Santos.

Marcus Vinicius Salles Falcão. Analysis of Oil and Gas Leakage in Maritime Waters: a Study with Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2016. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Agência Nacional do Petróleo. Advisors: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho, Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Rodrigo Petrone dos Anjos. Assessment of the performance of turbulence models in hydrocyclones. 2016. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisors: Tânia Suaiden Klein, Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Leonardo Leite Garcia de Souza. Fluid dynamics of the air/water flow in a perforated tray type contact device. 2015. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisors: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho, Tânia Suaiden Klein.

Cristina Santos de Almeida. Control Strategies Study for Offshore Compact Systems of Primary Petroleum Processing. 2014. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Julliana de Oliveira Guimarães. Numerical computation of viscous fingering in flows in porous media using OpenFOAM.. 2014. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPETEC / Projeto ANP. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.


Aldir Pimentel da Costa. Natural Gas Utilization Using Ultracentrifuges: A Study Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2013. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Aline Troyack Faisca.The Influence of Output Geometry on Erosion in FCC Risers: a Study with CFD. 2013. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Vanessa Panasco da Silva. Assessment of the dispersion of combustion gases emitted by oil refinery torch systems. 2013. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Thainá Menezes de Melo. Implementation of multicomponent mass transport models in OpenFOAM. 2013.Thesis (Chemical Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Luiz Fernando Lopes Rodrigues Silva.

Eduardo Guedes Gomes. Dispersion of Toxic Gases. 2012.Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Juliana Teixeira do Nascimento. Technical-economic evaluation of gas centrifuges for CO2 removal in pre-salt wells. 2012. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Fábio Vieira de Queiroz. Numerical computation of hydrocyclones for the separation of high water concentration-in-oil mixtures as a continuous phase. 2012. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

João Vitor Barbosa Alves. Hydrocyclones for the Separation of Residual Water Oil in Refineries. 2012. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Luiz Carlos Tosta da Silva.Numerical Computation of Bomber Pumping Well. 2010. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Érica Alessandra Schulze. Production of adeno-associated viruses by transfection of hek293 cells cultured in suspension. 2009. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Tecnologia em Imunobiológicos. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Andréa Gonçalves Bueno de Freitas. Modeling and computation of the treatment of oily water using hydrocyclones. 2009. Thesis (Chemical Engineering MSc) - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Andre Brennner Fleck. Dispersion of Flammable Gases in Offshore Platforms: Location of Detectors. 2008. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Marcelo da Costa Amaral. Use of Hydrocyclones in the Separation of Low Density Particles in the Double Gradient Drilling Process. 2008. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Frederico Carvalho de Almeida Rego. Study of Cylindrical Hydrocyclone of a Centrifugal Flotation Unit with the aid of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2008. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc)- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Brenno Castrillon Menezes. Fluid Dynamics and Erosion in the FCC Turboexpander Main Bypass Valve System. 2008. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Aline Teixeira de Carvalho. Optimization of Cyclone for Pre-separation of Sand in Oil Production. 2008. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Diego Alvim Gomez. Analysis of the compressible flow of natural gas in annular spaces with restrictions for the elevation of petroleum. 2008. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Emílio de Souza Neto. Hydrocyclones in Separation of Circumferential Spheres in Double Gradient Drilling of Oil Wells. 2007. 0 f. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho..

Tania Suaiden Klein. Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics of a new turbulence model. 2007. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Danilo Gonçalves do Prado Carneiro. Injection of low density beads at the base of the riser in the double gradient drilling process: a study such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD). 2006. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do RJ. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Daniele Cruz Bastos. Treatment of Ballast Water with Bradley Hydrocyclones. 2004. 102 f. Thesis (Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes MSc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Alexander Jockwer. Einsatz neuartiger Hydrocyclone zur Rückhaltung tierischer Zellen in Perfusions-Bioreaktoren. 2001. Dissertação (Chemistry Master Degree) - Technischen Universitaet Braunschweig, German National Research Center for Biotechnology. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Marc Lübberstedt. Abtrennung von tierischen Zellen mit Hilfe von Hydrozykonen. 2000. Thesis (Biotechnology Master Degree) - Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, German National Research Center for Biotechnology. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

Leda dos Reis Castilho. Recovery of Pectinases Produced by Aspegillus niger in Semi-Solid Fermentation. 1997. Thesis (Chemical Engineering Msc) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior. Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

ANA CRISTINA ESPIRITO SANTO LIMA. Development of a New Mechanical Method of Cellular Breakdown. 1994. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

CARLOS ALBERTO CAPELA MORAES. Fluid Dynamic Model for the Estimation of Hydrocyclone Efficiency for Oily Waters.. 1994. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

MARIA ALICE ZARUR COELHO. Purification of Polygalacturonase Produced by Aspergillus Niger 3t5b8. 1993. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

ANGELA APARECIDA LEMOS FURTADO. Continuous Mixing of Phosphorus Rock Mixes and Carbous Pyrite Rejects: Effect of Surface Velocity and Lixivia Circulating Volume. 1993. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

MORSYLEIDE DE FREITAS ROSA. Continuous Mixing of Phosphorus Rock Mixes and Carbous Pyrite Rejects: Effect of Surface Velocity and Lixivia Circulating. 1993. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

MARTA ANTUNES PEREIRA LANGONE. Properties of Polygalacturonase Produced by Aspergillus Niger 3t5b8 in Semi-Solid Fermentation. 1992. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

DANIELA OLTEANU. Hydrocyclones In Liquid / Liquid Separation. 1990. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

MONICA ANTUNES PEREIRA DA SILVA. Bradley Hydrocyclones: Sizing and Performance Analysis. 1989. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

ANTONIO CARLOS AUGUSTO DA COSTA. Phosphorus Rock BioLeaching. 1989. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.

VIRGINIA MARTINS DA MATTA. Hydrocyclones In Yeast Separation / Filtration Auxiliary. 1989. Thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, . Advisor: Ricardo de Andrade Medronho.


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Rua Moniz de Aragão, s/n, Bloco K, 2º andar, Centro de Tecnologia, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941-972, Rio de Janeiro – RJ


Rua Moniz de Aragão, s/n, Bloco K, 2º andar, Centro de Tecnologia, Ilha do Fundão, CEP 21941-972, Rio de Janeiro – RJ


Professors: medronho@eq.ufrj.br




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